Adelaide Zoo

Overview Of Adelaide Zoo

Adelaide Zoo, located in Adelaide, South Australia, is a renowned zoological park that offers a captivating experience for visitors of all ages. With a rich history dating back to its establishment in 1883, the zoo has evolved into a significant conservation institution dedicated to preserving and protecting wildlife from around the world.

Spread across approximately 20 hectares of lush greenery, Adelaide Zoo provides a home to over 2,500 animals, representing more than 250 different species. Visitors have the opportunity to observe a diverse range of animals, including rare and endangered species, in their naturalistic habitats. From majestic lions and playful chimpanzees to quirky meerkats and vibrant birds, the zoo offers an up-close encounter with fascinating creatures from various ecosystems.

Beyond its captivating animal exhibits, Adelaide Zoo also plays a vital role in wildlife conservation and education. The zoo actively participates in breeding programs to safeguard endangered species and works closely with local and international conservation organizations. Through its educational initiatives, including guided tours, wildlife presentations, and interactive exhibits, the zoo aims to raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity and inspire visitors to contribute to conservation efforts.

Moreover, Adelaide Zoo provides a range of additional amenities to enhance visitors' experiences, such as cafés, picnic areas, and playgrounds. The zoo also hosts special events, such as animal encounters, behind-the-scenes tours, and interactive programs for children, making it a perfect destination for families, nature enthusiasts, and animal lovers alike.

Why Visit Adelaide Zoo?

Never miss out on an opportunity to visit the renowned Adelaide Zoo as you are spending memorable vacations in the beautiful city of Adelaide

Witness more than 2500 wildlife creatures while you are exploring this second oldest zoo in the country with your companions

Allow your kids to stay close to nature as they play in the Nature’s Playground including various play equipment

Indulge in joyful feeding sessions with various wildlife animals like Giraffe, meerkats, and kangaroos and let them eat from your lap or hand

Embark on a captivating journey through 8 hectares of lush botanical landscape and prepare to be enthralled by the sight of more than 250 awe-inspiring mammals, fish, reptiles, and birds.

Animals In Adelaide Zoo

Asian Small-Clawed Otter

The Asian Small-Clawed Otter is a delightful aquatic mammal found in Adelaide Zoo. Known for its small paws with agile claws, this otter species exhibits remarkable dexterity and intelligence. They are highly social creatures, living in extended family groups and displaying cooperative behaviors. Visitors can witness their playful nature as they swim, dive, and frolic in their watery habitats. These otters have a keen sense of curiosity and are often seen using rocks and tools to crack open shells or forage for food. Observing these charming otters at Adelaide Zoo provides a unique and enchanting experience.


The Binturong, also known as the "bearcat," is an intriguing mammal residing in Adelaide Zoo. Despite its name, the Binturong is neither a bear nor a cat but belongs to the viverrid family. These arboreal creatures have a unique appearance, with shaggy fur, a prehensile tail, and a distinctive scent reminiscent of popcorn. Binturongs are skilled climbers, spending much of their time in the trees. Visitors can observe their agile movements as they navigate through their enclosures. With their playful demeanor and captivating presence, the Binturongs add a touch of charm and fascination to the Adelaide Zoo.

Blood Python

The Blood Python is a striking reptile that can be found at Adelaide Zoo. Known for its vivid coloration and robust body, the Blood Python is a constrictor snake native to Southeast Asia. Its name derives from the vibrant red coloration seen in some individuals. These pythons are skilled ambush predators, patiently waiting for prey to pass by before seizing them with their powerful coils. Visitors can marvel at their impressive size and observe their unique hunting behavior. The Blood Python's presence in Adelaide Zoo provides an opportunity to learn about the diversity and beauty of reptiles in the animal kingdom.

Dusky Leaf Monkey

The Dusky Leaf Monkey, also known as the Spectacled Langur, is a captivating primate species residing in Adelaide Zoo. With its striking appearance, characterized by a dark coat and distinctive markings around the eyes, this monkey species is a true sight to behold. Visitors can observe their agile movements as they gracefully swing from tree to tree in their enclosures. Dusky Leaf Monkeys are herbivores, feeding on leaves, fruits, and flowers. Their presence in Adelaide Zoo offers a chance to appreciate the unique adaptations and behaviors of primates, contributing to a deeper understanding of our diverse primate relatives.

Elongated Tortoise

The Elongated Tortoise is a fascinating reptile that can be found in Adelaide Zoo. As its name suggests, this tortoise species possesses an elongated and narrow shell, allowing it to move easily through the dense undergrowth of its natural habitat. With their captivating appearance and gentle demeanor, these tortoises make a charming addition to the zoo's reptile collection. Visitors can observe their slow and deliberate movements as they explore their enclosures. The Elongated Tortoise serves as a reminder of the incredible diversity of tortoise species and the importance of their conservation.

Giant Panda

The Giant Panda, one of the most beloved and iconic species, can be found at Adelaide Zoo. These adorable creatures, native to China, captivate the hearts of visitors with their distinctive black and white markings and cuddly appearance. Adelaide Zoo plays an essential role in panda conservation and is committed to supporting breeding programs and research efforts. Observing these magnificent animals is a rare and treasured experience. Visitors can witness their playful antics, bamboo-munching habits, and the strong bond between mother pandas and their cubs, fostering a deep appreciation for the conservation of these endangered species.

Goodfellow's Tree-Kangaroo

The Goodfellow's Tree-Kangaroo is a remarkable marsupial species residing in Adelaide Zoo. Native to the rainforests of New Guinea, these tree-dwelling kangaroos possess unique adaptations for an arboreal lifestyle. Their long, muscular tail provides balance, and their strong forelimbs allow them to climb and leap effortlessly among the trees. Visitors can witness their agility as they navigate their enclosures with grace. Goodfellow's Tree-Kangaroos are herbivores, feeding primarily on leaves, fruits, and bark. Their presence in Adelaide Zoo offers a rare opportunity to learn about the fascinating adaptations and conservation needs of these captivating marsupials.

Kalij Pheasant

The Kalij Pheasant is a stunning bird species found in Adelaide Zoo. With its vibrant plumage and distinctive call, this pheasant species adds a splash of color and intrigue to the avian collection. Native to South Asia, the Kalij Pheasant is known for its elaborate courtship displays, where the male fans its tail feathers and utters enchanting calls to attract a mate. Visitors can observe their elegant movements and enjoy the visual spectacle of their plumage. The presence of the Kalij Pheasant in Adelaide Zoo contributes to the appreciation and conservation of the world's diverse bird species.

Komodo Dragon

The Komodo Dragon, the largest lizard species on Earth, can be found at Adelaide Zoo. Native to the Indonesian islands, these formidable reptiles are renowned for their size, strength, and predatory prowess. Visitors can witness their imposing presence as they bask in the sun or leisurely patrol their enclosures. The Komodo Dragon's sharp teeth, powerful jaws, and venomous bite make them formidable hunters. Adelaide Zoo provides an opportunity to observe and learn about these ancient and enigmatic creatures, highlighting the importance of conserving their fragile habitats and raising awareness about their conservation status.


What are the opening hours of Adelaide Zoo?

 Adelaide Zoo is open from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm every day, including weekends and public holidays, with the last entry at 4:00 pm.

Is Adelaide Zoo wheelchair accessible?

Yes, Adelaide Zoo provides accessibility for visitors with mobility challenges. Wheelchairs and strollers are available for hire, and the zoo has accessible paths and facilities throughout the premises.

Can we feed the animals inside Adelaide Zoo?

Visitors are not allowed to feed the animals inside Adelaide Zoo for the safety and well-being of both the animals and the visitors.

Why Adelaide Zoo is famous?

Adelaide Zoo is famous for its diverse collection of wildlife, including rare and endangered species. It is also renowned for its commitment to wildlife conservation, breeding programs, and educational initiatives, making it a popular destination for animal lovers and nature enthusiasts.

What is the best time to visit Adelaide Zoo?

The best time to visit Adelaide Zoo is during the morning hours when the animals are usually more active. Arriving early also allows for a more relaxed and enjoyable experience, avoiding potential crowds later in the day. Additionally, weekdays outside of school holidays tend to be quieter, offering a more serene atmosphere for exploration.


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